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 Zack AKA Alex from old RE site

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Posts : 1
Join date : 2008-09-17

Zack AKA Alex from old RE site Empty
PostSubject: Zack AKA Alex from old RE site   Zack AKA Alex from old RE site Icon_minitimeSat Oct 04, 2008 11:04 am





Place:New York,NY

Appeareance:Zack has short white hair and has a scar under his right eye,He stands about 5"10 in height,Zack wears a black and white hoodie with silver plating on the shoulders with black pants also wears gloves,Under the hoodie is a plain white shirt and a pair of converse.He holds his wires in a small pouch strapped across his leg

Personality:Zack is usualy is serious during fights to keep focused because of being in the marines but when hes not doing something deadly he is sort of cheerful and carefree

Fighting Style: Zack usualy uses his short ranged weapons like a pistol or rifle but is great with CQC and traps with invisble wire

Weaknesses:Zack is poor with large beast like tyrants,el gigantes and not so good with with heavy long range weapons like rocket launchers

History: Zack was borned and raised in new york with his mother and older sister until he was 10 where his mother died in a plane crash after that day e went to live with one of his moms friend who worked with the marines a year later he started his training in the academy learning a whole bunch of things at the age of 14 he started missions thats whenthey used white permanent hair dye whe he was asleep that morning he went to Racoon city to check weird things popping up untill I-day when the infection spread world wide zack and his sister traveled with survivors to destinaions keeping his code name Barrage

Picture:Zack AKA Alex from old RE site Dgraymanallen
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Zack AKA Alex from old RE site
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